soon christmas...

Hanging out wit my kitty and my new christmas toy that I
got yesterday waiting for my last pick up at La creche for
this year. Tomorrow I'm leaving Paris for 10 days for some
well deserved vacation with my family and friends. 

But I'm not in Sweden yet, tonight I'm spending my night
in Paris with Cirque du Soleil!

Ice skating.

Need to keep my mind away from the fact that it's still four days left before
I'm home in Sweden so yesterday me, Allison and Kelly went for ice skating
at Hotel de Ville. Was the first time for Kelly and we had a lot of fun skating
around in the rink listening to club music and freezing to death because of
the rain.

In the two hour queue.

The ice skating queen!

After a long waiting we we're finally out on the ice. It was absolutely
worth it! 

Me and my skating girls.

sweden at IKEA.

IKEA with my Swedish girls today. Some food and some christmas
shopping later are we all set to go back to our french life again.
Maybe not for so long this time since we're all leaving soon to
celebrate christmas with our real families at home. 

I love my job and everything but I must admit that I will be more
than happy to have ten days off with my family and friends in Sweden.
8 days. 



Lyssnar på musikhjälpen större delen av dygnet den här veckan.
Kan inte sluta lyssna. Detta år är temat "Alla flickor har rätt att
gå i skolan" vilket jag tycker är så oerhört bra. Ett viktigt problem
som ofta (så som många andra orättvisor vad det gäller jämställdhet)
glöms bort bland alla andra hemskheter som finns i världen. 

En eloge ges också till de grymma programledarna som sitter i den
där buren i en hel vecka. De gör ett fantastiskt jobb! 


lussefika med luciatåget på SVT Play.

christmas tree.

I decorated the christmas tree with the kids yesterday so now we have
the real christmas feeling in our house too. I also baked some swedish
ginger bred cookies so we're all settled to begin the vacation and celebrate
christmas next week (not me really, but the kids are free from the 17th, I
work until the 22th of december and going home the 23th).



Yesterday me, Beata and Matilda celebrated Lucia (even though the
real celebration is tomorrow) in the Swedish church. It was really
beautiful and I'm so happy that I can celebrate swedish traditions
here too. Because, what would a christmas without Lucia be?

family pictures.

Some more pictures from the weekend with my mum and Per-Arne.

Dinner with mum and P-A at at restaurant close to Saint Lazare. 

Christmas decorations in St G. 

Had morning coffee outside Sacre Coeur in the beautiful weather. 

Christmas market at Champs Elysée with a small Ice skating rink. A little
bit different than the one we have just outiside our house in Ängen.

Arc de triomphe with mum.

We finished the weekend in Paris with a dinner in my house with my host
family. Perfect ending of a very nice weekend!


Mami has now left the building and her and P-A:s airplane is
probebly leaving just this minute. It feels okay though, since I
know that I will see them again in less than two weeks. 

Now I'm heading for the swedish church.
À tout a l'heure.


My family is here, picked mum and Per-Arne up at the bus station this
morning. This afternoon have we eaten falafel, walked in Le Marais,
walked from Le Marais along the Seine, walked to musée du louvre,
walked pass musée du louvre, walked a little bit more and then we
drank coffee. A lot of walking but I guess that's the best way of
showing Paris even though the weather wasn't the best today. 

Now I'm working a couple of hours and tonight we're heading
for a nice meal at a restaurant in Paris! 

L'as du fallafel. Best falafel in Paris!


Can't believe that I have a reunion with half my family tomorrow,
mum and Per-Arne is coming and I'm so exited. Haven't seen my
mum in four months (except on skype EVERY day...) and this is
the longest period I've ever been away from her. I know, I'm such
a baby but I just love my mum and I'm so happy that she's finally
coming so that she can meet my host family here and see the town
I'm living in. I want to show them everything, too bad Paris is so big
(what am I saying). I guess I will just show them the best parts this
time and keep the other lovely parts in a box until they come this
spring for the Paris marathon.

17 hours! <3

Bästa mamma.

Nothing beats a girls night with popcorn and sex and the city.
Realize now that the only thing I want for christmas (except
from my family and my best friends) is the hole sex and the
city box. Can't someone just send it to me, please? 


Snöar det i värmland eller? (jag vet, urkass kvalite på min fina PSC bild
från facebook) Hoppas den ligger kvar tills jag kommer hem för här lär det
ju inte bli nån snö i alla fall verkar det som. 


As the christmas junkie I am I had to do some christmas candy now after
the second advent so I did some swedish knäck. Yummie! 


Le Chat Potté.

Last night I had family night with my host family. We went to the cinema
all five together (the oldest girl was away this weekend with her school,
usually we're six all together) and saw Chat Potté, the new movie by Pixar.
It was fun and also the first 3D movie I've seen at the cinema. The 3D was
better than I expected. Thought it would be very bad quality and more irritating
for the eyes than fun but it wasn't at all. The quality was really good and I
will probebly see more movies in 3D in the future. Was a little bit funny though,
to take a two year old to a 3D cinema. He didn't really understand what the
glasses was all about so he watched most of the movie without them. 

Afterwards we went to McDonalds and had dinner. Couldn't have ended
my weekend in a better way than that.

L'église suédoise.


This morning I went to the Swedish church in Paris where it was family sunday.
The kids played the history of the born of Jesus and afterwards there was a
christmas party when the kids showed a lucia cortege. It was really nice, made
me get the real christmas feeling even though it's raining like crazy and not
snowing the 4th of december. 

L'église suédoise.



Went to théâtre Bobino to see Peter Pan. How fun! The actors were amazing
and I could follow the history just fine even though it was in French. Guess that
the fact that most lines were the same, just translated into french, like the ones
we had when I played Peter two years ago was helping. Had a great time there
and afterwards I did some christmas shopping so now I'm almost done with all
my gifts.

Cutest Pia waiting for Peter Pan to start.

Peter Pan

the only thing today.

Having one of those days where I can't really figure out one single
thing to do except sitting at the computer or playing wordfeud (hannawi
is my nickname there if you are also addicted and want to play with me).
Guess it's just because it's friday and I think it's weekend already since
friday usually is quite easy going for me. The two oldest kids are at hockey
tonight so I'm only taking care of the youngest one. On top of that are we
ordering Pizza tonight (YEEES!!!) so I don't even have to cook any dinner.

Tonight I'm going out with some friends to one of the local pubs in St.G.
Looking forward to it. And tomorrow I'm going to see Peter Pan the musical.
Do I need to tell you how exited I'm about that? I believe it's gonna be awesome.

the days go on.

Found the most amazing radio channel: P4 Bjällerklang. A channel
where they play only christmas songs from 21th of November until
the 9th of Januari. You can check it out here

Starting to realise that my blog is starting to become more of a
christmas blog than an au pair blog. But right now, my au pair life is
just rolling on very fast with just daily routines and there isn't so much
to wright about it other than that I like my job and my life here very
much right now. The kids will have school/la creche every day until
the 17th of december when the older kids get there christmas break.
Until then we have homework, hockey, tennis, bathing, dinner and
just ordinary every-day-life stuff to deal with. But I'm not complaining,
this is probebly the toughest but also the best job I will ever have.

Also, I need to tell you how proud I am that I was out doing sprints
this afternoon for the first time in my life. How did I become such
a runner?

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