the days go on.
Found the most amazing radio channel: P4 Bjällerklang. A channel
Also, I need to tell you how proud I am that I was out doing sprints
where they play only christmas songs from 21th of November until
the 9th of Januari. You can check it out here.
Starting to realise that my blog is starting to become more of a
Starting to realise that my blog is starting to become more of a
christmas blog than an au pair blog. But right now, my au pair life is
just rolling on very fast with just daily routines and there isn't so much
to wright about it other than that I like my job and my life here very
much right now. The kids will have school/la creche every day until
the 17th of december when the older kids get there christmas break.
Until then we have homework, hockey, tennis, bathing, dinner and
just ordinary every-day-life stuff to deal with. But I'm not complaining,
this is probebly the toughest but also the best job I will ever have.
Also, I need to tell you how proud I am that I was out doing sprints
this afternoon for the first time in my life. How did I become such
a runner?
Postat av: Louise
Ooh där är ordet! La creche! Ska åka som au pair o fick ett handskrivet brev på franska med ett väldigt konstigt ord som jag bara fick fram sista bokstäverna av men det var la creche! Då undrar jag om det bara är något som de mindre barnen går på under dagarna eller vad det innebär? :)
Postat av: Louise
sv: Yes jag åker med STS!
Okej, tack för svaret! Behöver au pairen vara med när barnet är på la creche?