Porto's going to be great!
Going to Portugal for some days with my friend Allison and her
friend Brian. I'm sure we will have a great time and I promise
you I will take lots of photos!
A bientôt!
We're going to Porto babe!
As I told you before I'm home with the kids this week since they are free
from school. But no worries, it's not to hard on me. Actually we have done
some really fun stuff that we never have time to do when there is school,
homework, activities, shower, dinner and then bedtime on the weekdays.
Wednesday, me, T & C went to the cinema. It was the first time for T
(the two-year-old) so it was really exiting to see how he would react to it.
I was a bit shocked because he was a really nice boy the whole movie and
sat quiet in his chair almost all the time. One time he just wanted to sit in
the knee of me and C and talk about the movie. But then we just told him
that you need to be quiet at the cinema and he actually listened!
Thursday, I took the two oldest ones to Cité des sciences in Paris. A really
Thursday, I took the two oldest ones to Cité des sciences in Paris. A really
fun place for kids (and grown ups to...) where you can go and see exhibitions.
Both permanent and temporary. We wanted to see an exhibition about the Gauls
who they showed right now. The exhibition was really nice; a lot of interactive
stuff, pictures and movies and I think the kids liked it. And of course we ended
the Paris trip with McDonalds. (YES!)
An other exhibition about the universe that they showed at Cité des sciences.
cold holiday.
I'm home again after this amazing weekend in Sigean. Hope
In Paris it's cold now, colder then in southern France. Because of
you enjoyed all the photos, was such an amazing area so my
camera I took photos all the time.
Work has started again. This week my kids are free from school
Work has started again. This week my kids are free from school
so I'm home with them all day long. Not so hard forme though
since my kids are pretty old and mostly hang around with their
friends or with each other. Tomorrow me and the boys are going
to the cinema. It's the first time for the two year old so this is
little bit of a test to see if he enjoys it and can stay quite for more
then an hour. We're going to see "Un monstre à Paris" and as childish
as I am I really look forward to it.
In Paris it's cold now, colder then in southern France. Because of
that I'm just laying with a blanket on my cozy carpet and watching
movies right now. Think I'm gonna continue with that for a while.
Third day, Sigean.
Third day; dimanche:
Started the day with rugby final at the local café. What an atmosphere
with all the screaming and exited people in that small café. Unfortunatly,
France lost but it was a really great game nevertheless.
Dejeuner in perfect Wiklund spirit. Some yogurt, cereal and eggs.
You never know what to find when you're out biking in a new area. This
picture is taken outside the fence of the african safari park in Sigean.
Wine everywhere!
Car trip in the mountains.
Dîner the last day before leaving.
Second day in Sigean.
Second day; samedi:
Out biking from Sigean to Narbonne and back, 55 km. Such a beautiful
Stopping at a café on our way back.
Noveau vin fêtes à Sigean. Wine that's only a month old is tasted for the
first time after the harvest. Very genuine and nice with all inhabitans in
Sigean listening to the local brass band.
first day in Sigean.
Sigean was lovely with friends and family. Spending the time with people
you've missed talking swedish, eating good food, biking and a lot more in
a very nice town can't be anything else then perfect. Can't wait to go back
there soon again and this trip made me also exited in travelling more in France.
Maybe Nice or Marseilles is next?
Some photos from my trip.
First day; vendredi:
Dejeuner at the terrace on the second floor
Dejeuner at the terrace on the second floor
Sightseeing tour in Sigean.
Old men playing boules, the biggest game in this city it seemed.
View from the roof terrace.
"My" room.
Tried snailes for the first time in my life, not bad at all.
Going to southern France tomorrow, or tonight. Leaving at 05.00 from my
house so I better go to bed now to get at least some sleep this night. But I
guess I can sleep on the train since it's almost a 5 hour long trip.
See you on monday my dear readers. Ciao.
See you on monday my dear readers. Ciao.
Guess this is how the weather usual is in Paris? Fall is finally here for real.
Yesterday me and my friends took the car once again to Versailles, this time
to actually go inside the huge castle (last time we just walked around in the
enormous garden wich was also great since the weather was so nice that day).
We got in for free because I'm a Europian citizen and both of my friends have a Visa
that proves that day are long time residences in Europe. If you can show this you
get in for free in a lot of places in Paris; museums, castles, arc de triomphe and so
on. A really good thing when everything else is pretty expensive!
The castle was really nice, the only not so good part about it was that it was so
The castle was really nice, the only not so good part about it was that it was so
crowded. It took away a little bit of the impression. I think we're going back sometime
in december/januari to see it again and hopefully it's not that crowded that time of the
year. (another good thing when you actually live around big tourist attractions, you can
always come back soon and see it again!) Though it was crowded, I really reccomend
going there if you visit Paris sometime. It's so beautiful!
Caitlin and Stevie
The kings bedroom
The queens bedroom, the door to the left is the door where Marie Antoinette
escaped a couple hundred years ago.
run for your life.
The best thing for me to do on a wednesday morning is to go out for a run. Makes me feel
good for the rest of the week. Unfortunatly is it sometimes not so easy to take that step
out of the house with my running shoes on and do that. This morning I just realized
that the best way to make you do that is to put on your running clothes directly after bed,
then you must go out for a run, right? I don't know if it works all the time. Maybe I was just
in a good mood today.
Anyway, now I'm proud over myself and ready to go back to work again!
Anyway, now I'm proud over myself and ready to go back to work again!
mademoiselle amour.
Yesterday, when I was doing sunday shopping in Le Marais, I found the cutest
store with parfumes, makeup bags, travel kits and so on and I couldn't stop
myself from bying this parfume called Mademoiselle Amour. It smells just like a
parfume wich I wanted to buy this summer but that one was three times
more expxensive. With this parfume you could also buy a bag and a mirror for
the price of 22 euros and of course I did it. How could I resist?
My new love: Mademoiselle Amour.
people watching.
The best sundays is spent just hanging around in Paris with a girl you can
sit quiet with for hours just looking at people without thinking it's weird.
This sunday we spent first at Batille where it was a market, we walked
This sunday we spent first at Batille where it was a market, we walked
around looking at cute presents to buy and then we bought crêpes, ate them
and did some people watching. After that we walked along Seine and enjoyed
the great view. We finished the afternoon in Le Marais with ice cream and some
shopping. Best sunday!
vintage shopping.
I started the day with some work and then I went to Paris to have brunch at B.I.A
Friends, B.I.A, cafe au lait and french toast. Just gotta love it!
Cool girls waiting.
(breakfast in America). The brunch was really good and I will definitely do it again
soon. After the brunch we walked around in Marais to do some vintage shopping and
I finally understood why people thinks that Paris is a nice shopping town. It must be
because of all the good vintage stores you can find (and maybe also because of the
big, expensive brands that you can buy here as well if you can afford it)! Though,
shopping on a saturday afternoon is nothing I would recommend. All shops are so
crowded so if you absolutely want to shop on the weekends you need to start early
when the shops are opening, then it's a little bit less crowded because of the fact that
the parisians go out so late. But from two a clock, everybody is out!
Friends, B.I.A, cafe au lait and french toast. Just gotta love it!
Cool girls waiting.
My new adorable bag, only 10 euros so it was a really good buy.
Can I have my cupcake please?
best friday.
Yesterday was the best friday in a long time; popcorn, Narnia, Allison and me.
Just that. Nothing more. Now it's time for some babysitting with T and then brunch
in Paris with my girls. Ciao.
Pink is the new black.
macarons and homework.
Bought some really good macarons at Eric Keyser Boulangerie after school today.
The best macarons I've tasted so far and I'm trying each time to buy new flavours.
Today I bought citron, caramel and framboise (unfortunatly I couldn't stop my self
from eating the caramel flavoured macaron before I took the picture) and before
that I've tried chocolate, pistache and vanilla. Six different flavours and so far
the caramel is my favourite.
Me and Caitlin also did some homework. Coffee, macaron plus homework;
in my opinion, a great afternoon!
lost and found.
Today's outfit (and this is not to make my blog become a fashion blog)
Sometimes you find things in your wardrobe that you've missed but you don't
realize that you missed them until you find them again. That was the thing about
my dress/shirt that I'm wearing today. You have the same feeling some times?
some things.
Some things I can't live without here in Paris:
- My coffe brake at four a clock (isn't that a vey grown up thing to do?)
- Skype
- My Ipod - right now I'm in love with Melissa Horns new album
- French courses - even though I sometimes feel miserable afterwards when I realize how hard this language actually is
- My little two year old prince who makes my day every day when smiling
- Starbucks
- Lily, my purple bunny who sleep in my bed every night (not so grown up...)
- Weheartit
Arc de Triomphe
Today after school I did some touristing, the thing to be explored today
was Arc de Triomphe. It was free for me as a european citizen who are
under 25 to go up and see the view, a pretty fair deal if you ask me (and
also if you ask my wallet right now). So me and my friend went up the 284
steps to the top (google of course, I didn't count them) and though it took
us some time to get there, the queue took about half an hour and then the
steps, the view was absolutely worth it and I will probebly do it again some
time before I return to Sweden.
A bit windy?
So many steps...
mörkt när jag vaknar.
Trodde aldrig att jag kunde vara så här trött på morgonen. Det är inte ens
speciellt tidigt, min BB ringer klockan 07.30 prick varje skoldagsmorgon men
det känns som döden att gå upp då. Vad hände? Ska nog också påpekas att
jag i vanliga fall är ganska morgonpigg.
Det som hände var nog att hösten kom och därmed mörkret. Jag älskar det förstås;
Det som hände var nog att hösten kom och därmed mörkret. Jag älskar det förstås;
löven på marken, tända ljus och kläder som man längtat efter men som det varit för
varmt för att ha på sig. Men jag hoppas att min kropp ställer om sig snart och inser
att gå upp på morgonen är precis samma sak på hösten som sommaren.
Insåg nu också att jag var för trött för att ens tänka tanken att skriva på engelska.
Insåg nu också att jag var för trött för att ens tänka tanken att skriva på engelska.
Just realized that I'm way to tired for writing my post this morning in english, I didn't even think
of it when I started. Sorry.
Skorna jag älskar och som jag äntligen kände att det var läge att sätta på sig.
night out.
saturday in montmartre.
We walked around in Montmartre trying to find a nice restaurant with
decent prices. Something that was quite hard because of the fact that
the tree of us had completely different ideas about what we wanted to eat.
An hour (!!!) later we finally ended up at a really nice restaurant and of
course I took some photos:
After the lunch we tried to find a nice pâtisserie in Montmartre. We didn't
After the lunch we tried to find a nice pâtisserie in Montmartre. We didn't
(how could that even be possible in Paris, we absolutely must have done
something wrong) so instead we found a metro wich took us to Saint Germain
des Près where we bought some macarons!
some thoughts about differences.
Things that was a big deal before, like taking the care to some place
new, asking for directions in french and go shopping on my own is
now just ordinary. It's almost the same as in Sweden with the little
difference that here they speak another language. And that isn't to
much big of a deal right?
Going to Paris as usual this saturday. Today me and my bffs are going
Going to Paris as usual this saturday. Today me and my bffs are going
to Montmartre to check out the Fête des Vendanges. And after that we
don't know where the wind might take us, hopefully to some place where
they have really good food...
rosa bandet, cancerfonden.
Nu är det oktober igen, den rosa månaden. Varje år köper jag ett
rosa band för att stödja bröstcancerforskningen, men i år befinner
jag mig i Paris under hela oktober. Därför valde jag att i år skänka
pengar till Cancerfonden och då genom en minnesinsamling för att
hedra en av mina nära vänners mamma som gick bort förra året.
Vill ni göra detsamma och bidra till att förhindra att fler människor
Vill ni göra detsamma och bidra till att förhindra att fler människor
måste gå igenom samma sak som min vän, hennes mamma och
hennes familj gick igenom så får ni gärna skänka ert bidrag här:
Eller köp ett rosa band. Det är inte mycket pengar, men kan rädda liv!
Eller köp ett rosa band. Det är inte mycket pengar, men kan rädda liv!
(låter klyschigt jag vet, men det är faktiskt sant)
new episodes!
Just love fridays, both new episodes of Greys Anatomy AND
Vampire Diaries. I'm such a chick flick girl but I can't stop
loving it. Friday is also the day when I'm always start
working at 17.30 wich isn't to bad either.
So no school, starting late and new serie episodes. Could it be
much better?
People are so sad about that it's getting cold and that the fall actually is here
now. You can feel it in the mornings and the evenings, because though it's still
warm when the sun is up, the hours when it's not here are getting colder and colder
every day passing. I don't mind really. For me the autumn is a cozy season when
you can start wearing cute hats and gloves, nice scarfs and finally I can start
wearing my cape! So, I was happy today when I went out at nine a clock in the
morning feeling the wet grass under my shoes and just felt; this is almost like home.
some good things I've done today:
- I finally felt that I know how to do reverse parking (parallell parking), woho! A big rock just fell of my chest.
- I got a library card at the library here in St G and of course, as I'm baby spice, I borrowed twilight in French. Hopefully I will understand some things and improve my french when reading it. Both work and pleasure!
- I powerwalked to my L.I.A. class, did the class and then went for a run home. Fitness, here i come! (proud girl)
My tomato face and me are going to take a shower now and then it's time for my beuty sleep,
in the bed this time. Bonne nuit!
sleeping beauty.
Det behövdes bara lite sömn och en ny dag för att få mig på
Maybe it was a bit like this.
bättre humör. Imperfait är fortfarande svårt men jag ser ändå
ljuset i tunneln och jag antar att det kommer att sätta sig någon
gång i framtiden (efter ett antal franska böcker kanske?).
Idag har jag förutom att plugga imperfekt handlat kött (!!!) på
Idag har jag förutom att plugga imperfekt handlat kött (!!!) på
marknaden, tagit en springtur, jobbat och somnat med anteckningarna
i handen på min gosematta i mitt rum.
I only had to sleep and wake up at a new day to feel better. Imparfait
is still hard but I'm starting to cheer up a bit about it and to feel that
someday I will probebly know it as good as anyone (after a couple
of french books maybe?).
Today, I have done some more studying but I have also been at the
wednesdaymarket close to my house to buy meat (!!!), done some running,
working and somewhere between that I fell asleep with my impairfaitnotes
in my hand at the cozy carpet in my room.
Maybe it was a bit like this.
l'imparfait est difficile.
Att skilja på när man ska använda imperfait eller passé composé är
svårt, idag känns det som att jag aldrig kommer lära mig det. Därför
la jag ner det för några timmar sedan och spenderade istället kvällen
tillsammans med Private Practice, något som jag blir mer och mer
beroende av. Efter alldeles för många avsnitt för en dag tar jag nu
kvällen och satsar på nya tag imorgon. Onsdag. Igen.
To separate when to use imparfait or passé composé is difficult, today
To separate when to use imparfait or passé composé is difficult, today
It feels like I'm never gonna be able to do that. Because of that feeling,
I stopped my studying for today a couple of hours ago and instead I
spend some time with Private Practice, a tv serie I'm getting more and
more addicted with. After too many episods on one day I'm now going
to bed and I'm gonna wake up with new energy and spirit tomorrow.
Wednesday. Again.
obviously, I can't go to bed early because I'm also addicted to weheartit
obviously, I can't go to bed early because I'm also addicted to weheartit
and I have a hard time letting it go every night.
Som ni såg igår så översatte jag mitt inlägg till engelska,
detta för att jag har så många kompisar här som inte förstår
nånting av det jag skriver på svenska (gäller bara att inte skaffa
för många franska kompisar så att man måste börja skriva på
franska också...) och för deras skull så ska jag nu försöka översätta
det mesta jag läger upp här i bloggen. Bara för att förklara mig lite!
Nu: skola!
As you might saw yesterday I have started to translate my posts
As you might saw yesterday I have started to translate my posts
here into english, this because I have so many friends here that doesn't
understand what I'm writing when it's in swedish (now, I just need to try
to not get too many french friends so that I must write it in french as well...)
and to please them I will from now try to translate as much as I can here in
my blog. Just for your information.
Now: School!
Bokade just en biljett till Porto, Portugal tillsammans med Allison
och hennes kompis Brian. Den 29 oktober åker vi och stannar tills
den 3 november. Kan nog inte bli en bättre start på november det?
Just bought a ticket to Porto, Portugal with Allison and her friend
Brian. We're leaving the 29th of october and are staying until the
3th of November. Could there be a better start of november?
idag ser det ut så här...
Är gosemattan i mitt rum bästa stället att plugga på? Svar ja.
Därför ser mitt rum ut så här just nu:
Därför ser mitt rum ut så här just nu:
Och jag ser ut ungefär så här (trots att det är 30 grader varmt vägrar
jag shorts idag och tar på mig monkijeansen istället)
Skulle vilja ta ett kort på hur det ser ut inne i mitt huvud just nu också.
Skulle vilja ta ett kort på hur det ser ut inne i mitt huvud just nu också.
En enda röra antar jag att det är, fullt med imperfait, passé composé,
adjectifs och andra sorters vocabulaire. Vill bara ställa in en bokhylla där
inne och sortera all ny kunskap jag får kastad på mig varje dag. Jag kanske
ska mejla IKEA och be dem skicka en...?
un billet de l'avion.
Flygbiljetten hem över jul är bokad, 23 december sätter jag mig
på planet och flyger hem till min kära familj. Vet dock inte när jag
flyger tillbaka än då jag väntar lite med den biljetten tills jag vet
hur mina planer för det nya året ser ut. Paris ou Karlstad,Suéde?
starbucks again.
Åkte en sväng till La Defense idag igen för att inhandla lite småprylar
Catching up with my bffs here in Paris.
(ett av de få ställena i Paris där affärerna faktiskt har öppet på söndagar)
och hamnade återigen på Starbucks med en frappuccino i handen. Försökte
ta fram anteckningsboken och öva lite verb men det gick ju sådär när man
var tvungen att också uppdatera sig om vad som hänt under helgen i sina
vänners liv. Själv satt jag ju barnvakt igår och där hände det inte så mycket
annat än det vanliga barnvaktsgörat: middag, nattning av T, tjatande på
C och A om att gå och lägga sig och sedan nattning av mig själv. Välbehövligt
lugn kväll.
Catching up with my bffs here in Paris.
food photographer.
Insåg att jag oftast bara fotograferar när det finns någonting
som handlar om mat med i bilden. Antagligen för att det är först
när man sätter sig ner och väntar på sin mat man har tid att
plocka upp kameran. Det här är då några bilder från vad jag
ätit idag:
Lunch with Allison and her purse for today: the plastic bag!
Lunch with Allison and her purse for today: the plastic bag!
And in the afternoon a java frappuccino at Starbucks with Caitlin.
Fullspäckad dag igår med skola, roadtrip, läxor, jobb och bio och
Roadtripen gick till Versailles. Det var jag, Allison och Caitlin som tog
idag blev det inte annat heller med först shoppande av veckans
mat med min hostmum, tur till Paris för lunch med Allison och sedan lite
fönstershopping i La defense tillsammans med Caitlin och ikväll sitter jag
barnvakt. Sen ska jag också försöka göra lite läxor och stryka kläder
ovanpå det.
Roadtripen gick till Versailles. Det var jag, Allison och Caitlin som tog
min lilla minicooper och åkte iväg till det kända slottet och trädgården.
Fint var det, och varmt! Tror att temperaturen steg upp mot 30 grader
vilket den har gjort varje dag denna veckan. Tror faktiskt att det har
hjälpt mot mina annars så bleka ben lite grann. Vi hade förstås med
oss den obligatoriska picknicken som vi satt och mumsade på intill